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                                    12. In the absence of the teacher from the classroom, pupils are required to observesilence and obey the monitor of the class. While travelling by school bus, they areexpected to follow the instructions of the teachers present in the bus and the busleader.13. Fines, which may be deemed necessary to be imposed on the students, are only toimprove or to enforce discipline.14. Pupils may be required to take part in various co-curricular and extra-curricularactivities even outside school hours. When so required, participation will be deemedcompulsory.15. Staying away from mandatory school functions, including Annual day and SportsDay without prior permission and/or justification will be considered a majordiscipline default.16. Parents are expected to give adequate time to their children to help them in theirstudies; provide them with a quiet place to study, insist on a homework time freefrom distraction; check with teachers when assignments or other instructions arenot clear; encourage their children to do their best so far as accuracy and neatnessare concerned; encourage them to read books at home and to collect material whichwill help them in their education.17. English being the medium of instruction in the school, students must speak Englisheven in their private conversation in the school.18. Students are not allowed to enter classrooms other than their own.19. Each student’s safety is a major concern of the school. Therefore the followingshould be strictly observed:a. Students must wear the identity card with the school uniform.b. Parents of pre-primary students are required to teach their children their name,address and telephone number.c. If the child has to go to a place other than the normal one, a note from theparents must be sent to school requesting permission and stating the reasonfor a child to go to a different address after school.20. Students are responsible to school authorities for their conduct not only in theschool but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported or observedobjectionable conduct outside the school on the part of the pupils will make themliable to disciplinary action. It is expected that through their good behaviour theymust enhance the prestige of the school.35
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