Page 37 - Demo
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21. Shouting or whistling is not allowed in or around the school premises.22. Lending or borrowing money or any article is not permitted..23. Care must be taken of all school property and no one should scratch or spoil thedesks or chairs, damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls orin anyway damage things belonging to others.24. Strict action will be taken if students are found engaged / involved in the followingand will be fined and the specified amount will be deducted from the cautiondeposit.a. Defacing the school walls/school furniture/washroom.b. Damaging school propertyc. Misbehaviour in busesd. Unpleasant /Abusive languagee. Improper/untidy uniformf. Not bringing diary / required text or note booksg. Bringing excess moneyh. Bringing mobile /i-pod / any other electric or electronic gadgets, If found, theywill be confiscated and returned only when the student leaves the school.i. Late comersj. Not wearing School IDk. Bringing sharp edged toolsParents are advised to inform the Principal / HM about any problems they may be facingor may have been facing regarding their children, bearing in mind that it is only with thesincerity and openess of the parents that the school will be able to help their child tobecome a well adjusted personality and a strong character with the right attitudes.Needless to say that disclosures made will be treated with utmost confidentiality.VALUE EDUCATIONAll the students are given a course in Value Education which teaches a student his/herobligations towards God, himself/herself, his/her country and fellowmen. Parents areadvised to encourage their wards to practise these values.Every student is encouraged to practise his/her own religion faithfully and to respectother religions.36