Page 30 - Demo
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GUIDELINES TO STUDENTS1. Vikas The Concept School is a co-educational institution. All students are expectedto maintain friendly, dignified and cordial relation with their fellow students.2. Students should be punctual. Irregularity may attract corrective or disciplinarysteps as the school deems fit.3. Students are expected to greet members of staff, guests and visitors to the schoolin an appropriate manner.4. No student shall bring valuable items like smart phones, any electronic items,jewellery, cash or costly gifts to school.5. Pets, video games, hazardous materials, crackers or fireworks that are likely tocause displeasure or injury to others are NOT allowed on the school premises.Disobedience :Failure to comply with instructions or school regulations shall constitute an act ofdisobedience. Likewise engaging in acts which are harmful or prejudicial to persons orproperty or to the order of the school shall constitute misconduct. The Principal,Headmistress or a person nominated by them, reserves the authority to judge any caseof misconduct and to take steps as deemed appropriate. This may include fine, expulsionfrom school or both.Students shall :1. always carry their school ID card with them.2. adhere to the dress code all the time.3. converse only in English with one another.4. refrain from using vulgar, inappropriate or abusive language.5. desist from lying or trying to deceive school personnel.6. not to go out of the class without the permission of the concerned teacher.7. not to bully / harass or physically attack other students or persons.8. not to use objects with an intention to harm school property or the co-students.Attendance :Regular daily attendance is important for a student’s success. While it is true that somestudents may be able to pass tests and even get good grades in spite of absence, testsconstitute only one measure of what is learned at school. This is especially true ofVIKAS, as the success of our methodology depends on what actually happens at school,rather than what the student reads or writes at home. Only the school has the authorityto determine whether an absence should be excused or not. Certain procedures are inplace to help you :29