Page 21 - Demo
P. 21

                                    NOTE TO PARENTSHow to use this Diary :The Diary is an important means of communication between the parent and the school.Parents are requested to check the diary every day for information and remarks. Readingthrough all the sections of the diary may clarify many a doubt. If you still have a question,use the diary for communication. Teachers respond to the queries of parents throughthe diary.General Rules / Instructions :Parents and guardians are expected to be familiar with the rules and regulations of theschool. These include the rules contained in this diary and rules (written or otherwise)framed from time to time which shall be communicated as and when done so. Parents are requested not to contact their children and teachers duringschool hours unless permission is obtained from the Principal/Vice Principal/Headmistress or a person deputed for the purpose. Parents should ensure that their child is well-groomed and neatly dressed. See that your ward carries text books/exercise books according to the time tablefor the day. Students suffering from diseases like Conjunctivitis, Dermatitis, Scabies, Chickenpox, Measles etc. should not be sent to school. Check your ward’s diary daily. Do sign the remarks if any & take necessary action. Parents should ensure that children neither wear any jewelry or accessories toschool nor bring large amounts of cash to school. Girl students are howeverpermitted to wear ear studs. The school will not accept any responsibility for lossof any jewelry or items of value. Parents should respect the rules of attendance and absence and ensure thatstudents attend school regularly and punctually.8. Kindly intimate the school immediately, of any change of address. This isnecessary to up-date our records for better communication and to ensure thatmessages reach you especially in case of an emergency.20
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