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                                    THE CONCEPT SCHOOLVIKAS The Concept School, seeks to provide an environment that is student-friendlyand interactive. It endeavours to ensure an atmosphere of free thought and expressionand goes beyond the constraints of the lessons and the text books.VIKAS has developed a way of effectively integrating the spirit of different curriculumbodies and to provide holistic education, transcending the four walls of the classroom.Emphasis is placed on the development of skills, competencies and knowledge in abalanced and effective manner so that the students will be empowered to function inthe society as intelligent, responsible and sensitive individuals.VIKAS has a curriculum that incorporates academic, emotional, aesthetic and socialintelligence. It ensures the paramount requirement of developing the student’s abilitiesof comprehension and expression, rather than mandatory completion of syllabus.In order to develop such capabilities in the children we endeavour to pay special attentionto :Methodology :Education at VIKAS is a fresh diversion from syllabus-based examination oriented systemto a child-centred, concept oriented one. Accordingly the curriculum of the school is theassimilation of the best information from the publications available for Primary andMiddle schools. In brief, VIKAS has evolved a unique syllabi which are arranged inpreferential order to cater to the academic challenges the child would face while givingthe School Leaving Examination. This is to ensure that each child is made to grasp thehighest amount of content presented in the best possible manner irrespective of thepublication.Personality Development :Each child is a unique creation endowed with his/her own level of energy, degree ofenthusiasm and rate of growth. The Personality Development Programme at VIKASplaces him/her, slowly but steadily, on an equal platform with the more gifted as far associal skills are concerned. These include essential etiquette, fearless public speakingand flawless communication thus ensuring that each child masters the ‘virtuous socialbehaviour’ - one of the main objectives of the Vikasian education.Inter-personal Relationships :No man is an island. ‘Living with others’ in the present global perspective has become assignificant as ‘living for oneself’. Therefore VIKAS places a considerable thrust on thedevelopment of healthy inter-personal relationships amongst the students. All thecurricular18
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