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                                    PHYSICAL RECORDPhysical Education TeacherFirst Term (June)Date : _________________Height :___________ Cms.Weight :___________ Kgs.Age :_______ Years________MonthsSecond Term (Dec)Date : _________________Height :___________ Cms.Weight :___________ Kgs.Age :_______ Years________MonthsHPE PROGRAMMEHealth and Physical Education is concerned with total health of the learner andthe community. Besides physical health, it includes mental and emotional healthof the learners.Health is often a state of physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The aim ofMainstreaming Health and Physical Education is to enable the student to attainan optimum state of health, by incorporating each of the aforeMentioned aspects. In this respect, it is a truism to say that the practice of healthyliving will serve as the foundation for Physical Education. It is envisaged that anyeffort to promote aesthetic values at the school level will include a natural esteemfor physical well-being. The mastery of the body, its powers and qualities,requires knowledge, methodical training and exercise. The skills and capacitiesneed to be developed, the muscles and nerves trained, the senses cultivatedand hygienic and proper dietary habits inculcated for this purpose. Therefore,provision has to be made much more systematically than before, in the Schoolcurriculum for Health and Physical Education imbued with Life Skills. Researchhas demonstrated that there is a positive correlation between braindevelopment and exercise which also has an impact on cognitive developmentthus helping to improve academic grades.At the Secondary level acquisition of the habits of healthy living and participationin games and sports and athletics for neuromuscular coordination and physicalfitness are the aims which should be taken care of while developing any syllabusof Health and Physical Education (PE). While at the Senior Secondary level,through the integrated PE approach, students will acquire the knowledge, skills,right attitudes and values towards the pursuit of a lifelong physically active andhealthy lifestyle.With these aims in mind, the overall and specific objectives for a HPE curriculumare outlined at the Secondary level (IX & X) and Senior Secondary level (XI & XII)from the academic session 2018 – 19 onwards.***44
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