Page 7 - Demo
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The HAP programme will not only help students understand better what is taught inregular school classes but also groom students by providing inputs on ReasoningSkills, Problem Solving Skills, Creative/ Logical Thinking Skills which will give them adistinctive edge over the rest of their peers. The programme helps children preparefor various talent search exams like NTSE, NLSTSE, Science Olympiad, MathematicsOlympiad, Cyber Olympiad, etc. and National / State Level Competitive exams.A sound career needs a strong foundation. Learning without distraction means totaldedication and complete concentration. When the students are being prepared forglobal challenges, the education and curriculum too needs to be global. Teachers aretrue friends, philosophers and guides to the students. On passing out from VIKAS, thestudents blossom into self made, self confident and self motivated individuals readyto take on the world.OUR CONCEPT IS HOLISTIC EDUCATION THE ATTRIBUTE IS PASSION..... THE BENCHMARK IS PERFECTION..... THE DRIVING FORCE IS COMPETITION..... THE ENTERPRISE IS INNOVATION.....I wish you a pleasant and effective learning experience in the school. S. SWARAJYA LAKSHMI Chairperson6